Friday, February 17, 2012

Learning to Teach PE Like a Rockstar: Is Dodgeball good for PE?

Learning to Teach PE Like a Rockstar: Is Dodgeball good for PE?
You will probably see dodgeball is where there is no developmentally apporpriate activities taking place. These teachers are apathetic to change and have no cluse about the NEW PE and ensuing standards. Yes, many will claim otherwise about dodgeball and cahnge the rules and the type of ball . It belongs in the Hall of Shame for a reason. Question this? If a parent, Principal , school board member , or PTA person walked into your class , what would you be teaching? If it were a Hall of Shame activity , then it may be thought that anybody can do this , and the importance of PE would lose its effectiveness.

A different sceario might be to place a KinBall in the center of a square formation with all students having a ball to be thrown at it . It can be an Eath Ball and the implements are meteors and the throwers are from the planets . If the Kin Ball were to cross the line that planet is destroyed one time . The penalty is to mention something abount the palnet to eliminate the point. Before hand, skills are taught of throw and catch along with strategy( toss ball to a temmate who has a better angle to propel the KinBall elsewhere.

There is no throwing at students , skills are taught , integration is used and cooperation is key. Nobody is blasted and all students are involved. For more activity introduce another game on the other side of the floor . For younger students move the thrwing area closer by arranging cones or makeshift lines with ropes to keep them back .
Gerry Cernicky( retired PE 36 years)

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